O colaborare exceptionala!
Mondevents inseamna profesionalism, inseamna creativitate, inseamna oameni dedicati care pun suflet si pasiune.
Si, nu in ultimul rand, inseamna implementare eficienta si riguroasa, respectand timing-ul si fara a omite niciun detaliu.
Va multumesc, Ilinca si Anca, pentru reusita evenimentului dedicat aniversarii a 90 de ani de la fondarea Fares!

Adelina Hanciu, Marketing Manager, FARES

Catalina’s most valuable asset is her incredible willingness to learn new things and to improve. Already extremely professional and knowledgeable, she invests time and effort to continually raise the bar of her work and deliverables. As a result, no matter how difficult or complex a task, she will find the determination and resources to accomplish it, meeting the goals she always has in sight.

Her plentiful experience, along with her intuition, attention for even the smallest details (that sometimes make all the difference) and very good organizational skills make her an exceptional process, project and product owner.

But Catalina is also a people person. Her kindness, positive attitude and assertiveness will always create a good vibe in the teams she manages and will help her bring out the best in the people she works with.

Andreea Bejenaru, Department Manager, Evozon

Evenimentul TSM din octombrie 2018, gazduit de Connatix si coordonat logistic de Mondevents, a fost intradevar un succes pentru care am primit multe felicitari, carora le dau forward Ilincăi si ii multumesc pentru ajutor, implicarea si atentia la detalii care au creat efectul de WOW al acestui eveniment!

Andreea Jiman, Connatix

Mondevents, adica Ilinca si Catalina, mi-a fost colaborator la organizarea celei de-a VI-a editii a Galei Excelentei in Mediere. Am fost incantata de implicarea lor, de perseverenta, de atentia la detalii, de modul profesionist in care au gestionat timpul si taskurile. Mi-au auzit nevoile si au dat evenimentului exact acea linie pe care mi-o doream. Plus ca s-au ocupat de supravegherea desfasurarii evenimentului astfel incat eu sa ma pot bucura de eveniment.
Le recomand cu caldura pentru ca sunt creative, muncitoare si raspund bine la provocari. Adevarate profesioniste!
Felicitari Mondevents pentru entuziasmul si atentia voastra la nevoile clientului!

Fantastic people! Thank you and looking forward to our next collaboration 

Andra Matei, Macadamian

Echipă profesionistă, idei creative, entuziasm și flexibilitate. Asta am întâlnit la evenimentul The Hope Generation, organizat de Mondevents. Recomandăm oamenii minunați de aici, care oferă experiențe, nu doar servicii de calitate!

O super echipa! Profesionisti si dedicati. Evenimentul The Hope Generation a avut o organizare impecabila iar atmosfera a fost senzationala! Recomand cu toata increderea!

During my tenure as Country Head of Evalueserve’s Romania Operations, Ilinca helped us organise multiple corporate events including employee engagements (like Pub Quizzes and team buildings). Ilinca’s approach was different from that of other organisers I have worked with. She started with helping us define the overall objective and worked backwards from there. Decisions were always aligned with the organisation;s branding at each step. The communication flow provided by Ilinca during each project was very helpful in keeping all stakeholders (HR, Marketing and Admin) informed. Lastly, the risk identification and mitigation exercise that Ilinca did gave a significant level of confidence that we were in the right hands. All this lead to flawless tactical execution where Ilinca managed multiple vendors for us thus taking that cumbersome process off our hands.
I would confidently recommend Ilinca and her team to companies who are looking for someone to provide them with end-to-end solutions and not just tactical execution for corporate events.

Pushkar Chatterji, CEO, Inflection Point

Super echipa si organizare. Mi-a placut mult ideea cat si realizarea evenimentului The Hope Generation prima editie, organizat de Mondevents si Asociatia Beard Brothers. In cadrul evenimentului am avut calitatea atat de partener cat si participant la diferitele activitati organizate in cadrul evenimentului. Pe langa organizarea evenimentului , am mai apreciat implicarea activa si pasiunea de care au dat dovada organizatorii pentru ca toata lumea de la mic la mare sa se simta bine si sa plece acasa cu un mare zambet pe fata. Ce ar fi de imbunatatit pe viitor ar fi un pret mai accesibil de intrare si un program mai lung de functionare astfel incat sa ne putem bucura de un numar si mai mare de participanti.

Tudor Faragau, BCR

I had the pleasure of working with Ilinca for two years in my capacity as Director Professional Services EMEA, and I must say I developed a strong respect for her high degree of professionalism and commitment to results. She was exceptionally well organized in the delivery process of our contracted work which often required juggling with resources available to us in the most effective way, and the results were always as promised. I have no hesitation in saying that I will happily continue my collaboration with her if the opportunity presented itself.

Richard Hartshorne, BU Lead Enterprise Markets, SQS Group