I get this question a lot, either verbally or in the eyes of our future client. There are other companies that organize different types of events, like weddings, anniversary parties or corporate parties. So why should you work with us?


W e are specialized in corporate events and we are familiar with the needs of the companies are in terms of events. We don’t just organize parties, we take the company’s objectives and incorporate them into the scope and theme of the event, thus helping our corporate partners make a step forward into achieving their business goals.

The objectives can be related to headcount growth, in which case we can organize an event that will enhance the company’s visibility and reputation on the market, helping them to connect with the “employees to be”, the objectives can relate to increasing sales, thus we can organize an event with the business partners, clients and prospects, helping the company to strengthen relationships, and the examples are numerous. If you have never considered hosting an event for other reasons than just to help your employees relax, we are here to advise on ways to obtain more than just the obvious from your corporate events.


We take a methodical approach for organizing each corporate event, using project management tools and techniques, thus ensuring a coherent flow of the planning activities and of the event itself. We don’t do things by guessing what should come next.

Every project is planned and delivered having the clear steps and control points in place and the sequence of activities clearly defined and agreed with our customer. In this manner, we can set the right expectations in terms of schedule, we can manage the risks and threats for the event, and make sure that all the necessary activities are timely covered and avoid unpleasant surprises. The people who will make the event happen are experienced certified project managers, who have worked in different industries and have successfully delivered projects for a multitude of companies.


End2end coverage of the event means we’ll save you precious time. We manage everything that you need us to manage, from start to end. We can build and coordinate your event without you needing to work with several providers for the same event, or having to explain to several teams what you want from your corporate event.

We will present you with options in terms of concept and graphic design, event branding, event marketing and also choose the most suitable services for your event. We’ll constantly provide you status updates so you will be informed about the progress of your event planning activities, we’ll negotiate the best rates with the suppliers, we’ll manage the event budget, telling your team when and what something needs to be paid, we will manage the invitations and RSVP process, and more important, we will be available at all times.


We put you first. We like to listen and understand your sources of joy, pain points and goals. Of course, under confidentiality clause. Afterwards we create the event concept that blends perfectly with your company’s culture and brand. At every step of the planning process, we will have your needs in mind, and the strive to offer you premium corporate services.